============================================================================= Simba Athena ODBC Driver with SQL Connector Release Notes ============================================================================= The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, and known issues in Simba Athena ODBC Driver 1.0.3, as well as the version history. 1.0.3 ======================================================================= Released 2018-08-29 Enhancements & New Features * [AO-177] Standardized log file names When logging is enabled, the driver now produces the following log files: - A simbaathenaodbcdriver.log file that logs driver activity that is not specific to a connection. - A simbaathenaodbcdriver_connection_[Number].log for each connection made to the database, where [Number] is a number that identifies each log file. This file logs driver activity that is specific to the connection. * [AO-171] Updated third-party dependencies The driver now uses libcURL 7.60.0 and zlib 1.2.11. As a result, several security features in the driver have been improved. * [AO-167] Updated AWS SDK support The driver now uses AWS C++ SDK version 1.4.85. * [AO-165] Support for result set streaming API The driver now supports the AWS result set streaming API. This can be toggled on or off with the Use Result Set Streaming option (UseResultSetStreaming property). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [AO-160] Configurable complex column length You can now specify the maximum data length of complex data types that are cast to SQL_VARCHAR, such as ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT. To do this, set the Max Complex Type Column Length field (ComplexTypeColumnLength property) to the maximum length. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [AO-157] Improved AWS Glue workflow AWS Glue availability detection logic now calls an API in Glue to speed up detection logic. If the API fails, the driver falls back to the original method. * [AO-155][AO-146] New data type support The driver now supports FLOAT and CHAR data types. For details, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba Athena ODBC Driver 1.0.3. * [AO-178] When returning the results of a SQLColumns, the driver does not return partition column names. * [AO-164] The driver does not return the VIRTUAL_VIEW table type, and as a result some applications cannot query tables of this type. This has been resolved. The driver now returns these table types by default: - TABLE - VIEW - EXTERNAL_TABLE - MANAGED_TABLE - VIRTUAL_VIEW - SYSTEM TABLE * [AO-153] When the driver executes a query containing Common Table Expression (CTE) syntax, it incorrectly returns a row-count result set. Workflow Changes ============================================================ The following changes may disrupt workflows from earlier versions. 1.0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Result set streaming support Starting with version 1.0.3, the driver uses the result set streaming API to improve the performance of fetching query results. To take advantage of this feature you must include and allow the athena:GetQueryResultsStream action in your IAM policy statement. For details on managing Athena IAM policies, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/access.html. Version History ============================================================== 1.0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2018-07-03 Enhancements & New Features * Query string is logged at DEBUG level instead of INFO level When logging is enabled, the driver now records the query string when the logging level is set to DEBUG or 5. Previously, the query string was recorded when the logging level was set to INFO or 4. * Prefixes for log file names You can now configure the driver to add a prefix to log file names. The prefix includes the user name associated with the connection and the process ID of the application through which the connection is made. To enable this feature, set the UseLogPrefix connection property to 1. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 1.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2017-10-03 Enhancements & New Features * Metadata retrieval improvement Driver is now able to retrieve catalog metadata from regions that support AWS Glue as well as from regions that don't support AWS Glue. * Reporting the maximum length of database fields You can now specify the maximum character length that the driver reports for the names of catalogs, columns, schemas, and tables. To do this, set the following new advanced options: - Max Catalog Name Length (the MaxCatalogNameLength property) - Max Column Name Length (the MaxColumnNameLength property) - Max Schema Name Length (the MaxSchemaNameLength property) - Max Table Name Length (the MaxTableNameLength property) For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2017-09-11 * Version 1.0.0 is the initial release of the Simba Athena ODBC Driver. ==============================================================================